Flyweight boxing

Here’s the deal. Don’t believe everything you hear on social media. Flyweight is Manila’s first and original group boxing studio. We drop legit boxing techniques through shadow boxing drills and on 6 foot heavy bags.

We tone muscle, increase metabolism and reduce stress. All while having a ridiculous amount of fun.


Boxing, head movement and footwork. Body weight, weighted and plyometric exercises. You name it, we got it. We got you.
Our trainers will give you a full body workout, to get you training harder than you thought you could. The lights and music will get your heart pumping, as you hustle hard like a champion the whole way.

Each experience is different. You will never have the same routine – and never get bored.


PRE Class

Preparation period that happens 5-10 minutes before class. Ample time is needed for participants to check-in, organize the equipment next to their respective bags and prepare for the class.

It is during this time the instructor goes through the class overview, safety instructions and boxing basics. All of which are needed to effectively enjoy the class.

First-timers are encouraged to come in earlier.

Warm UP

Objective is simple: Get loose and prepare the body for high-intensity activity.

A typical warm up routine includes dynamic stretches to loosen up, fast movements like jumping jacks, high knees & fast feet to raise the heart rate and familiar body weight exercises like squats, pushups and lunges to prep the body for all the movement that boxing requires.

Shadow Boxing

Aside from being an extension of the warm up as a means to further loosen up, boxing fundamentals are the main focus of the shadow boxing rounds.

The emphasis is on establishing proper technique on things like the stance, guard, basic punches, footwork and head movement before applying it to the bag in the later rounds.

Bag Work

The moment that everyone waits and comes to the studio for.

It’s finally time to put it all together on the bag. Mix up the punches, footwork, and head movement to create beautiful combinations coupled with body weight exercises to push you to your limit each round.

This is all happening while sick beats help dictate at which speed and power to work with. What’s not to love?

Core Workout

What's a boxing workout without a core finisher?

Complement the boxing rounds with an array of different core exercises to improve strength and stability, both of which have been proven to improve punching power.

If those don't motivate you enough, maybe the visible, physical improvement on your abs that may come out of these exercises sets might.

Cool Down

Recovery is just as important as the work.

Ample time to gradually slow down after an intense workout is vital in achieving effective results. Proper stretching, breathing and relaxing cool down beats are all available to help kickstart the recovery process.

This ensures that the only major "damage" inflicted in the classes are on the bags and not to its attendees.

Post Class

Strength + Conditioning



Our flagship class.

Here’s what you’re getting: Slick shadow boxing drills, bag work combinations, off the bag bodyweight exercises and a core set. All rolled into 8 carefully programmed rounds.

In and out of the studio in a quick and efficient 50 minutes.


A little extra work (and rounds) is what separates Champions from the rest.

You’ll be getting a little bit more of everything, but the main difference is the Strength & Conditioning set designed to complement your boxing. All in all, it’s 12 rounds of high-intensity, full body work.

First Timers

Before Class

during class

after class